Monday, July 30, 2007


whooh check this baby out! latest proud acquisition!

so fun!

and revision's getting on track again, after 4-day slacking campaign from thursday to sunday. now back on track, mind focused, and ready to chiong and GROW FAT! i mean, if i ever can grow fat! i just lost 3 kg the last time i measured height and weight! somemore i had my handphone and wallet! not fair! :(

going to sleep now! bye!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I CANT SLEEP! I CANNOT SLEEP!!! it's already 3 am and i've been trying to sleep for past 3hours and 15minutes, and i just cannot sleep!

this is the first time such weird thing is happening to me. i'm hungry, tired, my eyelids are heavy, my eyes want to close, but my MIND DOESNT WANT TO SLEEP! it's so wide awake like i can still go through tonnes of bio/chem/econs notes even though my eyes dont want to open.

WHY? BECAUSE I DRANK COFFEE AT 9! i swear i'm never going to drink another cup of coffee at such a time because i cannot sleep! ARGH! only to burn midnight oil shall i drink coffee at night!

i'm so dead can, 3 hours before i officially wake up and prepare for school. going to die in school later. i think i'm going to sleep the whole bloody day!!! AHHHH!!! complains sure will come from teachers. oh well, dont blame me, blame the evil drug caffeine!!!

I CANT SLEEP!!! it's 3.03am NOW!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


ok i watched tommy emmanuel on saturday night and he is THE BEST guitarist i've ever seen. in terms of feel, techniques, creativity, no one can beat him! NO ONE! i mean that's how guitar should be played, and he does it damn well on acoustic! MIND BLOWING!

and so the ESS was great, heard there were lots of converts. but i had to do some embarrassing stunt. oh gosh, me in the right mind wouldnt do that man, but it's for entertainment so oh well. haha. and check out this cool dude!

and i'm not sticking to my revision plan! Ah God help me! 5 weeks left!!!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


it's been 3 months since i've posted! hahahaha! super sian of udpating dunno wat to update. my life's more happening man!

anyway just got back all my block tests results. i would say i've improved and done better than expected. shall continue to work hard!

and i got a new bike! or rather my 2nd bike. i didnt have luck with bikes in the past. they always spoil or get rusty. hehe. hopefully this bike would be a workhorse, i mean workbike. hahaha.

got tickets to tommy emmanuel this sat! one of the greatest guitarists! cant wait!
